Everyone deals with anger in some capacity; it's a normal and oftentimes healthy emotion. However, for certain people, anger can escalate to the point that their actions cause harm to themselves or others. In these cases, it may be best to seek help to manage anger.
Let’s learn about anger management therapy for Brooklyn residents.
On this page:
How Do You Know Whether You or a Loved One Need an Anger Management Program?
Addressing Impulsive Anger and Aggression: Types of Therapy
How long does therapy take for anger management?
How Does Therapy for Those With Difficulty Controlling Anger Work?
Is there medication for anger management?
How Can I Encourage Someone to Seek Help for Anger Issues?
Find an Anger Management Program or Therapist in Brooklyn, NY
But how do you know whether your anger is "normal anger" or anger that qualifies for an anger management program? Excessive and uncontrolled anger leads to a number of psychological and even physical symptoms that can lead to poor health and broken relationships. Some signs to look for include:
Experts say that if you or a loved one have frequent, intense outbursts of anger or rage that negatively impact your health, relationships, or quality of life, then you may benefit from anger management. Here are some things to know before seeking anger management in Brooklyn, NY.
There are a number of ways you can deal with your angry feelings and aggression. Anger management programs can include working with a licensed therapist to manage anger, joining classes or workshops, learning to improve impulse control, and receiving emotional support from group therapy or a support group.
One of the most effective ways to manage your emotions is to work with a licensed therapist. Behavioral therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy are designed to identify negative emotions like angry feelings and learn positive ways to manage them. Therapy helps manage anger, increases self awareness, offers adaptive coping skills, and educates on stress management techniques.
For parents, there are workshops that offer anger management specifically aimed at anger that springs from dealing with your children. From a very young age, kids can pick up on social cues, so it's important to offer an environment that is stable, warm, and safe. By taking care of your own mental health and learning self control, you can give your children a far better developmental start.
Group therapy or a support group is a good way to learn how to channel anger, recognize scenarios that are triggering, and develop better ways of coping with challenges. Many groups are run by a licensed therapist or a certified rehabilitation facilitator who can offer education in how to deal with angry feelings. Meanwhile, the group dynamic offers emotional support and allows people to share their experiences, wins, challenges, or advice.
In cases like domestic violence, a court may order an anger management program that deals specifically with domestic violence or other criminal acts.
Therapy is an individual experience. Depending on the person, anger management programs can take anywhere from eight weeks to several months, or even years in some cases. The good news is that excessive anger is treatable, and with the help of the behavioral sciences, even someone who has experienced excessive anger their whole life can learn self control.
Anger management offers a number of strategies and skills for learning how to channel anger in a healthy way. A therapist will work with their client on self awareness, learning how to identify the root of their anger and any triggers that can cause an outburst. They will also train them in a variety of healthy coping skills to deal with the feelings they experience. The behavioral sciences also often teach mindfulness techniques to help with stress management, which can increase your sense of calm.
In certain cases, a medical professional may prescribe specific medications to manage anger symptoms, particularly in cases diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder. Some common medications used for anger management include:
Medical professionals generally prescribe antidepressants, antipsychotics, anti-anxiety, anticonvulsants, or mood regulators to manage symptoms. They may try one or more; if certain types cause complications, they will transition to a type that the patient responds to better.
This part can be a bit tricky. It can be difficult for someone with a mental health condition to recognize that they need help. Especially in cases of domestic violence, the marriage partner may face violence or abuse if they speak up. In these cases, it is best to seek help for yourself and any children and ask, when safe to do so, law enforcement to intervene. Your own safety is top priority.
If you are in a less precarious situation and have a friend or family member that you are concerned about but does not present a danger to you, you can do some research and talk to them about why you're worried. Tell them about the negative consequences of uncontrolled anger and share what you've learned about anger management. You can suggest a program in the area that looks effective.
Offer your support. You can go with them to meetings, drive them to sessions, or help them look for a program that seems right for them. Don't blame them, but rather share that you care about them and that you are concerned about their health.
The internet is your friend when it comes to looking for an anger management program. You can start with national mental health sites like the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) or SAHMSA to look for resources. They offer lists of programs in most areas. You can also Google search for "anger management program in Brooklyn, NY" to find specific counseling in your area.
An anger management program can be life-changing. Contact a therapist in your area to start learning how to manage emotional issues, shift into more positive behavior, improve any relationship, and get the support you need to change. Excessive anger can be managed with the right help. Focus on yourself and start changing your life today.
If you're looking for high quality anger management therapy in Brooklyn, reach out to us at Williamsburg Therapy Group. Our patient coordinator will help you find the right doctoral-level therapist for you.