Perinatal Mental Health Meets The Wild:
Embrace the transformative journey of motherhood
Friday, June 25th, 2023 at 2PM ET
Located at The Wild | 272 Driggs Ave Brooklyn, NY 11222

Embrace the transformative journey of motherhood
Discover the profound shifts in identity, priorities, and personal growth that occur during pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenthood.
Led by WTG perinatal psychologists, Dr. Hila Sachs and Dr. Madeline McKeon, participants will engage in an open discussion on the topic
of matrescence, the psychological process of becoming a mother. This event is designed for pregnant and postpartum individuals seeking to
deepen their understanding of the emotional and psychological changes that occur during this transformative time.
Registration Below:
Presented by:

Dr. Hila Sachs
Licensed Clinical Perinatal Psychologist

Dr. Madeline McKeon
Licensed Clinical Perinatal Psychologist
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