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Is There Therapy for Addictions? Plus, Tips for Brooklyn Residents

Anyone who has experienced any of the substance use disorders knows that it can be incredibly difficult to stop using on your own. Treatment programs are designed to support people dealing with drug addiction with a series of behavioral therapy treatments, social support, and other evidence-based treatment modalities to contribute to long term success and improved mental health.

Resources on this page:

Types of Therapy Used in Addiction Treatment and Recovery

What Are Behavioral Therapies for Drug Abuse?

What Is the Best Therapy for Substance Abuse Treatment?

What Does Therapy For Addiction Treatment Do?

How Can I Find Treatment Options Near Me?

How Effective is Drug Addiction Therapy?

How To Get The Most Effective Treatment

Types of Therapy Used in Addiction Treatment and Recovery

There are a number of addiction treatment options, and oftentimes several of these will be implemented concurrently to tackle substance abuse. For example, a person may receive medical care to deal with withdrawal symptoms while also attending individual therapy and a support group to manage their psychological symptoms.

One-On-One And Family Therapy

Both one-on-one therapy and family therapy sessions are recommended for most people who are undergoing addiction treatment. Drug abuse affects the individual as well as the people around them, so when undergoing addiction recovery, it's helpful to have a support network of people who understand the mechanisms of drug addiction. Family therapy sessions can not only help family members understand what to expect and how to manage situations; they can also offer mental health support to people who are under a great deal of stress.

EMDR Therapy

Eye movement desensitization therapy, or EMDR, is a type of therapy that uses eye movement to process trauma. Evidence is still in the preliminary stages for EMDR, but initial evidence looks promising. EMDR is typically used for PTSD, but experts believe that it is also effective for substance abuse because this mental health condition is often strongly linked to trauma.

Group Therapy and Support Groups

Although individual therapy is important for a substance use disorder, group therapy or support groups are excellent supplementary therapies to increase the chances of success. Meeting with other people who experience the same sort of drug cravings, mental health problems, and difficult situations can be therapeutic. Sharing stories, triumphs, and strategies in a safe and welcoming environment is a form of ongoing treatment that helps many. A very well-known example of a support group is Alcoholics Anonymous for alcohol use disorder.

Holistic-Based Therapies

Holistic addiction treatment programs address the issue of substance abuse from all angles. As mentioned, this treatment team approach is an effective way to facilitate successful relapse prevention. Holistic-based therapies will address body, mind, and spirit, offering a number of treatments not typically found in more traditional behavioral therapy programs, such as:

  • Acupuncture or acupressure
  • Massage
  • Biofeedback
  • Herbal medicine
  • Nutrition programs
  • Yoga and meditation
  • Reiki or energy work

What Are Behavioral Therapies for Drug Abuse?

A common type of therapy used for drug addiction is cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT. This therapy specializes in shifting maladaptive patterns of thought and behavior into new, healthier directions. For this reason, it can be very effective for substance use disorders.

Dialectical behavior therapy is a similar therapy that also targets behavior through identifying uncomfortable thoughts; however, instead of simply working around them like cognitive behavioral therapy, the therapist will help the client validate and accept them.

Dialectical behavior therapy also uses mindfulness practices, and education on coping skills and stress management. Behavioral therapies are effective, evidence based therapies, and are therefore commonly used in addiction recovery.

What Is the Best Therapy for Substance Abuse Treatment?

Addiction therapy is highly individualized. There are a number of evidence based therapies, and which will be right for a person depends on several factors, including the severity of the substance abuse, its availability, and the needs of the individual. Addiction treatment typically involves some combination of medical and psychological care, often coupled with support groups. In some severe cases, inpatient rehab or an outpatient program may also be necessary.

What Does Therapy For Addiction Treatment Do?

Addiction therapy treatment programs help those with substance use disorders learn healthy coping skills for other mental health conditions that may be exacerbating substance use, support the individual in changing habits and behaviors, show them how to regulate negative behaviors and negative feelings, and offer life skills to help those struggling with addiction turn their lives around.

How Can I Find Treatment Options Near Me?

If you have insurance, you can start by looking at your provider's list of in-network therapists, inpatient, or outpatient rehab facilities. If not, then the internet will give you a good idea of where you can get started. Put "outpatient programs for treating substance use disorder" in Brooklyn and see what comes up. Many programs will have reviews from family members or former patients.

You can also visit the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), or the Mental Health Services Administration (MHSA), government-run sites that offer information and resources. They will have lists of different treatment programs and facilities in your area.

How Effective is Drug Addiction Therapy?

Addiction recovery is possible, as substance use disorder is a treatable condition. Behavioral therapy like cognitive behavioral therapy or dialectical behavioral therapy in particular can be effective, especially when combined with medical treatment programs to handle withdrawal symptoms. It is important to remember that there is no cure for SUDs, but you can learn to manage the condition.

How To Get The Most Effective Treatment

First, find a treatment center near you and get started. Next, recruit as much support as you can from loved ones, and if you can, get your relatives in family therapy where they can learn about the process, and learn healthy coping skills alongside you.

Remember that you are always in recovery, and while you can't be cured, you can absolutely manage your condition. Finally, when you treat addiction, you are also focusing on improving your mental health in general, so be an active participant in your treatment and recovery. 

Williamsburg Therapy Group is home to The Program, an outpatient addiction recovery program designed with Brooklyn in mind. If you’re ready to get started with your recovery journey, gfive us a call and our patient coordinator will find you a spot.

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