Outpatient Rehab in Brooklyn, NY


outpatient rehab NYC 

Welcome to The Program


Substance abuse treatment services exist to help those people find sobriety, peace, and hope in their lives. The Program by Williamsburg Therapy Group exists to do the very same. Our team of world-class substance abuse treatment professionals leads in outpatient rehab in Brooklyn, NY. Serving a wide range of substance abuse problems, drug and alcohol addiction, and more, The Program is designed by our doctoral-level psychologists to be among the best programs in the country.




Outpatient Addiction Rehab in Brooklyn, NY

The Program has been specifically designed to respond to addiction's unique challenges. Dr. Daniel Selling, the founder and CEO of Williamsburg Therapy Group, is an expert in addiction, having created the largest jail-based inpatient substance abuse treatment program in the country here in New York City.

Since its founding, the Williamsburg Therapy Group has grown to include dozens of doctoral-level providers, including psychiatrists and psychologists. Our outpatient addiction rehab in Brooklyn, NY, specializes in every state-of-the-art rehabilitation technique available, including addiction therapy, medication management, individual psychotherapy, group psychotherapy and neuropsychological assessment.

Over the years, we have provided mental health care to our community. Many of the people we encounter have struggled with both mental health issues and addiction, often referred to as “dual diagnosis".



Why choose us for Substance Abuse Treatment in Brooklyn, NY

The Program's ultimate goal is to help people achieve positive results and sustain change. To do this, we believe it is our responsibility to thoroughly understand and constantly improve how we provide support to our clients. From a client's first contact with the program, we identify areas they want to improve and track progress to collaborate and tailor treatment to their specific struggles.

Weekly Individual Therapy

To ensure that treatment is truly tailored to each person, clients enrolled in the program will receive two hours of individual therapy per week. This allows them to apply the general skills and strategies learned in the group in specific and most useful ways. Individual therapy can also serve as a safe, private space for clients to explore other factors that interact with addiction, including past trauma, relationships, identity, and emotional health.

Body-Based Holistic Treatments

To address the dysregulation and damage that substances have on physical health, the Program also includes one hour per week of body-based holistic treatments, including acupuncture, reiki, yoga, and massage therapy. This is designed to help clients repair and cherish relationships with their bodies and use physical awareness to help them continue making healthy choices.

Addiction Group Therapy Sessions

Part of The Program includes group therapy for addicts, allowing for discussion and healing for those affected by substance abuse. Group therapy is a guided conversation that navigates the causes and solutions of addiction and substance abuse, so that patients can learn healthy coping skills, methods to manage withdrawal symptoms, and more.

Meditation Instruction

Meditation, when done correctly, can be an important component of reducing drug and alcohol abuse. Williamsburg Therapy Group staffs only the best doctoral psychologists to guide our patients in mindful meditation as an addiction treatment method. We provide a collaborative environment where clients can learn skills to manage their mental health struggles, connect with positive support from others, and create sustainable habits for physical health. 


What makes our drug and alcohol rehab program unique?

The Program at the Williamsburg Therapy Group is unique in that we have long specialized in providing individual and group therapy and individual substance use treatment. This project is an evolution of our group's mission to help people who are dually diagnosed make long-term changes and find emotional wellness. Our hope in creating The Program was to develop a structured, supportive, and effective treatment program.

We specifically address addiction's unique challenges in Brooklyn. Implementing a substance use disorder program catered to New Yorkers will allow them to make impactful and sustainable changes.




The Program Details

The Program treatment structure helps our therapists and other mental health professionals provide individually tailored support, as well as practical skills, healing, and a sense of community to help people make deep, concrete, and sustainable changes toward wellness. Because addiction can profoundly impact all areas of life, the Program was designed to provide a higher level of care than individual outpatient programs. In doing so, people who are dually diagnosed can receive a more intensive treatment that helps them quickly make changes in a format that fits daily life, without needing to visit an addiction treatment center.


hours of skills-based group therapy


hours of individual therapy


hours of mindfulness-based meditation


hour of bodywork


Finding Outpatient Rehab Programs in Brooklyn, NY


Overall, we believe that the Program offers an integrated and holistic approach to outpatient recovery for people struggling with addiction. We provide a collaborative environment where clients can learn skills to manage their mental health struggles, connect with positive support from others, and create sustainable habits for physical health. 

Schedule an appointment with us if you are interested in learning more about the Program and how we can help. We would love to hear from you!




Additional Resources

5 min read

Is There Therapy for Addictions? Plus, Tips for Brooklyn Residents

Anyone who has experienced any of the substance use disorders knows that it can be incredibly difficult to stop using...

5 min read

Can You Get Addicted To Marijuana? Yes, But There Are Treatments

There are outpatient rehabilitation clinics for marijuana addicts. While marijuana is not physically addictive like...

9 min read

Meth Addiction Treatment Options: Therapy, Detox, and Rehab

Methamphetamine addiction is a pernicious and often overwhelming problem for its users.From 2015 to 2019, the number...


Feeling better is closer than you think.

We are here to help you no matter where you are at emotionally and want to pair you with a professional that cares and can help.



Williamsburg Therapy Group Addiction Therapy Room