I Need to Cry But I Can’t: Finding Ways to Release Your Emotions
Some people seem able to cry in any moment, even when watching a sentimental commercial. Other people cry only when broken under the weight of...
3 min read
Williamsburg Therapy Group : Feb 5, 2024 2:55:20 PM
One of the most common scenarios where we encounter stress is in the workplace. Workplace stress can negatively impact both mental and physical health. When we manage stress at work, we can improve our health and well-being, and even our relationships with others. In this article, we'll share some common work stressors and offer some effective tips for managing work stress to improve mental health.
While many of us try to keep our work and personal lives separate, today's culture makes it increasingly difficult to do so. This blending of our work lives and personal lives can make work/life balance difficult to achieve and create chronic stress.
Stress at work may also spring from the relationships we have with our bosses or coworkers. If you have challenges getting along with your officemates, this can lead to stressful situations and overall anxiety.
Finally, we may be dealing with excessive stress at work related to our workload. For some, they may have too much to do or work that is too difficult, and they may feel stressed about the long hours or pressured to get things done. Others may become bored because they don't have enough challenges in the workplace.
Although work-related stress is common, there are some effective stress management strategies that can help you deal with it.
Surrounding yourself with things that make you feel peaceful and happy can be a way to create an environment that naturally helps to relieve stress at work. If your workplace allows it, bring in an easy-to-care-for indoor plant, pictures of loved ones, and little decorations that make you feel good.
Sometimes we can get hyper-focused on what we're doing and neglect taking breaks. However, studies have shown that taking short breaks from tasks throughout the day can improve emotional health. Just standing up and taking a quick stretch, walking to the water cooler or the bathroom, and getting your eyes off your screen for a few minutes can help.
If you are dealing with toxic coworkers, talk to human resources about any problems that may have arisen. Looking after employee health is one of their bailiwicks. Set clear boundaries with workers, and avoid negative coworkers if at all possible. If you are dealing with systemic management issues, or if your coworkers have not improved after you've tried all avenues, you may want to consider looking for somewhere else to work if at all possible.
Not only does taking a walk outside give your eyes a break and help with muscle tension, it can have positive impacts on physical and mental health. A systematic review found that "forest bathing," or getting outside, can lower cortisol levels, decrease blood pressure, and contribute to overall well-being.
Work stress often leaks into home life. Create a firm barrier between work and home. Set a no-email rule past a certain time, and leave your work problems at work. Talk with trusted friends if you feel stressed or frustrated. Don't neglect your social support networks.
Implementing healthy lifestyle habits like balanced eating, good nutrition, and getting regular physical activity can help you manage long-term stress and increase mental health. Avoid fast food, eat across the rainbow (including healthy fats), and move at least an hour most days of the week.
Play relaxing music at your desk during the day to help make the work week go by pleasantly. Although what you find relaxing can be subjective--Stephen King famously writes while blaring hard rock and metal. Just make sure that you wear earbuds so you don't disturb your office mates.
Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises have been shown to help reduce stress in the moment and manage stress in the long term. Doing these exercises will also help you take a break from your screen.
Sleep is an incredibly important piece of the puzzle when it comes to stress management. By ensuring that you get quality sleep by practicing good sleep hygiene, you can build resilience to manage workplace stress.
Break up the day by walking to a nearby lunch spot if you can. Getting away from your desk to eat a real lunch (or even to pick something up to eat) can help reduce workplace stress. Fresh air, movement, and getting out of the work environment come together to offer relaxation.
If you have a bit of a commute, use that time to decompress with your favorite music. You may also listen to an audiobook or podcast.
Work stress can take over when you feel overwhelmed and burned out at work. By implementing time and task management principles, you can cut down on stress levels. Time and task management tips for reducing job stress include:
Anxiety can be a side effect of workplace stress or excessive pressure at work, but negative thoughts and high stress levels can also indicate mental health issues like anxiety disorder or depression. If you feel that your work-related stress has begun to have negative effects on your day-to-day life and relationships with friends, coworkers, and family members, working with a work stress and anxiety therapist at Williamsburg Therapy Group can help. They can offer other strategies for coping with stress, show you how to relieve stress, and work with you on problem solving to support your mental health.
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