Family Therapy in Coral Gables, FL

Williamsburg Therapy Group women talking


Family can be one of the greatest joys in life, or one of the most challenging.


Each family relationship is distinct and deserves tailored attention. Family therapy is a great option for any family that wants - or needs - to become stronger together. Family therapy in Coral Gables, FL, with Williamsburg Therapy Group, can enhance your communication skills, help resolve conflicts, and deepen your connections with one another.




What is Family Therapy?

Family therapy focuses on addressing conflicts and challenges that arise within the family unit. When issues become difficult to resolve on your own, an outside mediator can help restore balance. A therapist provides the guidance needed for family members to understand their roles in the situation and recommend strategies to improve the relationship, such as:

  • Establishing more effective communication
  • Resolving long-standing conflicts
  • Discover each other's hopes and aspirations
  • Rebuilding strained connections




How to know if you need Family Counseling Services

Even the most communicative and healthy families can benefit from therapy, but there are some dynamics that can indicate a need for family counseling:

  • Deteriorating relationships that were once strong
  • Difficulty forming healthy connections with one another
  • Tension between children and parents
  • Frequent or extremely intense fighting and arguing

Deciding whether family therapy is right for a family can be challenging. While it might initially feel like admitting defeat, seeking family counseling is actually a proactive step toward improvement and healing.




We support families through:

Blended Families

A blended household is created when two seperate families decide to unite. This can also emerge when a person without children marries a parent, and they later have children of their own, generating half-siblings. Navigating these family dynamics can be difficult, particularly when other parents from past relationships remain active in the children's life.

Life-Changing Events

Life-changing events can be difficult to adjust to. Common examples include moving to a new town or city, divorce or separation, and loss or bereavement within the family. If a child is upset because of a change, like moving from their old house to a new one, and especially if the problems with adjusting don't get better, the whole family may go to counseling together to support the child's adjustment.

Family Member Isolation

Social isolation is becoming an increasingly common issue for many. Families often experience stages in which they desire alone time or more family time. However, if you notice a family member withdrawing from the rest of the family, preferring to remain in their room rather than socializing with friends or loved ones, or frequently expressing feelings of being misunderstood, this can be a cause for concern, especially when combined with other symptoms.

Adjustments to Adolescence

The teenage years can be filled with intense emotions, turmoil, and questions. As a parent, you may find it hard to navigate the many changes that come during the adolescent years. It is common for teens to grapple with their emotions as their brains continue to develop. Family counseling can support your teen's mental health and help with things like communication and allowing them more freedom within the family.

Substance Abuse In The Family

Substance dependence and substance abuse have been increasing across the nation. Despite the stigma surrounding these issues, drug and alcohol abuse problems are prevalent but are also treatable. Whether your loved one needs an intervention, outpatient counseling, or outpatient rehab program, your family could benefit from counseling or therapy. In cases of drug use problems, family therapy provides an excellent venue for members of the family to discuss the impact of the situation and to develop meaningful solutions for substance abuse treatment. 

Harmful Secret Keeping

Secrets can be a significant issue for a family. While it's normal and healthy to keep certain things private in specific situations, persistent concealment of information among family members can be problematic. When family members frequently hide things from one another or manipulate situations so that other members of the family will not find out, this is dishonest and can lead to significant issues.

Withholding Affection Or Manipulation

Withholding affection is a subtle way of manipulating relationships, often without even realizing it. This behavior can create a significant imbalance in relationships, resulting to resentment and hostility, which can affect the entire family unit.

A lack of affection or positive reinforcement within the family as a whole may also be grounds for seeking treatment.

"Bottled-Up" Emotions

Your child might be holding onto something you said in the past that negatively impacted their self-image, or they could be struggling with a traumatic experience. If there was adultery in your relationship, this could be causing lingering effects. While you may want to move past these worries and focus on the present, unresolved issues and resentment can persist if you and your child aren't on the same page.

Holding Grudges

Holding onto resentment, anger, and contempt can be detrimental to your family. These negative emotions can fuel conflict and unnecessary hostility. Often, after harboring a grudge against a person for so long, we lose sight of why we are angry with them; we simply just know that we are upset. 


Here for your family.

If you are facing communication issues, hurt feelings, or family conflicts that negatively affect your quality of life, consider seeking family therapy in Coral Gables.

Our team of highly-trained therapists is dedicated to helping families navigate through these challenges and develop effective strategies for improving communication, resolving conflict, and strengthening connections. 




Benefits of Family Counseling




At Williamsburg Therapy Group, our experienced family therapists create a safe environment for families to openly address problems that are rooted in unspoken or unresolved struggles. We help your family to find solutions that work for your unique family dynamic. During your time with your family therapist, you’ll benefit from:




Better Family Communication

Seeking help from a third party on communication without hurting someone's feelings can significantly benefit your family. We will guide you and your loved ones to develop new communication skills and expand your strategies on how to navigate conflict like, how to employ "I" vs. "you" statements while still expressing wants and desires, or how body language often speaks louder than words.

Strengthened Family Bonds

When family connections weaken, it may be time to try new things to get them back on track. Strategies that once fostered closeness might not be effective anymore. Family counseling with a doctoral-level family therapist will help each individual to gain a deeper understanding who they are and how they wish to relate to one another. This involves recognizing that each relationship within the family is unique and may need new ways to bond over time.

Respected Boundaries

Growing up in close quarters can make it challenging to always maintain personal space and privacy boundaries. This seems to be particularly true for parents of teenagers or siblings who are struggling to navigate relationship changes. Boundaries are an essential in any household, and their importance often grows when other factors come into play.

Improved Dispute Resolution Skills

Conflicts are common in any household. Family therapy can help families communicate better so that minor issues don't get escalate. A family therapist can also assist with improved communication during disagreements. Williamsburg Therapy Group family therapists are trained and equipped to provide guidance for even the most challenging conflicts.



What to expect from Family Counseling at Williamsburg Therapy Group

At Williamsburg Therapy Group, our family therapy sessions take a collaborative approach aimed at helping families identify and tackle the root causes of their conflicts. This often involves addressing issues like conflict resolution, communication difficulties, parenting concerns, emotional or behavioral problems, and family transitions such as divorce or moving.



During family therapy sessions, your therapist will take the time to get to know each member of the family as an individual. This may involve asking questions about relationship dynamics, family history, and goals for therapy.


Identify Issues

Once your therapist has a clear understanding of the family dynamic, they can begin to pinpoint specific issues that may be contributing to the family challenges.


Make a Plan

Your psychologist will facilitate group sessions to develop a tailored plan that meets the needs of the family. During these sessions, our therapists will help guide the discussion and encourage family members to collaboratively explore different perspectives, individual needs, and develop strategies for addressing conflicts as they arise. 



When all family members are open to participate in sessions and committed to improving work towards improving their relationships, then most families will benefit from family counseling. Regardless of what unfolds during the sessions, our therapists will help guide the process, offering support, guidance, and recommendations for improving communication and strengthening bonds between family members.


Common Family Therapy Questions.


Book a Session with Our Family Therapists in Coral Gables, FL


If you are seeking support and guidance while you navigate the challenges of family life, consider connecting to our family therapists in Coral Gables, FL. At Williamsburg Therapy Group, your doctoral-level family therapist will provide supportive and collaborative psychotherapy services. 

Whether you are facing communication challenges, parenting concerns, or other difficulties within your family, we can help you develop the skills needed to strengthen your relationships and overcome difficult situations within your family. Schedule a consultation with us to learn more about our family therapy services.




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Feeling better is closer than you think.

We are committed to helping you no matter where you are at emotionally and want to pair you with a professional that cares and can help.



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