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Mental Health Tips & Advice

Hear from our experts. 

Individual Therapy in NYC (2)

A man dealing with some emotions

4 min read

What Is Emotional Rational Therapy: Understanding the Science Behind Emotional Balance

An Introduction to Emotive Rational Therapy Developed by psychologist Albert Ellis in the 1950s as an alternative to psychotherapy, rational emotive...

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A woman with depression on a beach

3 min read

Can Depression Be Treated Without Medication?

Depression is one of the more common mental health problems, diagnosed in approximately one out of five Americans at some point in their lives....

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Birthday candles

4 min read

I'm Sad About Turning 50; What Can I Do?

Younger people don't spend too much time thinking about old age, but as life goes on you may find yourself ruminating on gray hair, decreased energy,...

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a man who needs self-care

4 min read

Need Help With Self-Care? How to Prioritize Yourself and Boost Mental Health

Practicing self-care is a common refrain in media across the board, and while many of us spend a lot of time and energy intending to practice...

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therapy couch

4 min read

Evidence-Based Ways to Deal With Gender Dysphoria

Gender dysphoria and transgender health are topics that often come up in the media, but aren't always portrayed with respect and the appropriate...

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woman with repressed trauma

3 min read

What Are Repressed Memories And How Can Therapy Help the Healing Process?

Traumatic memories can be a problem for many people, developing into mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other disorders....

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staircase in a professionally-designed therapy office

4 min read

What is Transference in Therapy: How to Recognize it and What to Do

Transference occurs when a person directs desires or feelings related toward someone in their lives toward someone who is not that person. Hence the...

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A child in the therapy room

4 min read

Children vs Adult Psychology: How Are They Different?

Mental health issues can be experienced at any age, especially in cases of trauma and other negative environmental factors. While therapy is...

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4 min read

What Does "Anxious Attachment" Mean?

Attachment styles are a type of bond that is created between mother and child during child development, which can affect relationships later in life....

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3 min read

Can therapy for dating help me find a partner? A Guide for Brooklyn

There are several potential reasons that a person may seek out dating therapy. You may be someone who has never had healthy relationships modeled for...

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