Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Anxiety Group for Kids
Meeting Weekly for 3 Months

Group leader: Leanne Scharr, PsyD.
Number of sessions: 12 (weekly for 3 months) 90-minute sessions, 2 concurrent 60-minute parent sessions
Price- $1800 (payment options available)
Age range: 8-12
Group size: 3-6 members
Potential meeting times:
Mondays 3:00-4:30 (virtual only)
Tuesdays 3:00-4:30, 3:30-5:00, 6:00-7:30 (in person or virtual)
Wednesdays 7:00-8:30 (in person or virtual)
Group description: Williamsburg Therapy Group is offering a CBT for anxiety group for children aged 8-12.
The group will meet for 12 weekly 90 minute sessions, in addition to one individual intake session prior to group, and two concurrent parent sessions. Parent sessions will take place after weeks four and nine, and will provide parents with tools to support their child in effectively managing their anxiety.
In the first phase of treatment, children will learn to understand their anxious thoughts and feelings and develop skills (relaxation techniques, cognitive restructuring, and problem solving, among others) to manage their anxiety.
In the second phase of treatment, children take steps to face their fears and build their confidence. Children will be given home practice each week to support the use of skills learned in session, and parents will receive weekly newsletters with information about skills learned and tips for helping their children practice.
Interested? Provide contact info below and Dr. Scharr will contact you with more details.